
Ammar Elmoghazy, an Electronics Engineering graduate, currently a Masters student at Ontario Tech University. My aim here is to share things that I have worked on, working on, and will work on, hopefully it would help someone out there. My Research interests - IoT 💻, AI 🤯, Electronics Engineering ⚡️ . Non-research interest - Health 🏥, Philosophy 💭, Psychology 🧠.

Welcome to my Portifolio

Autonomous Vehicle Development F1tenth vehicle

F1tenth Car

built two scaled-down autonomous vehicles as part of my research in autonomous driving technologies. Integrated hardware and software components for navigating complex environments.


Technologies Used:

Key Achievements:

ProActRail - Predictive Maintenance System for Railway Air Production Units

Overview: Developed the “ProActRail” application, a sophisticated predictive maintenance system using Streamlit, aimed at enhancing the reliability and safety of railway systems by predicting equipment failures. This project focuses on integrating a machine learning model with cloud-based technologies to enable real-time data processing and predictive analytics.

System Architecture


Technologies Used:

Key Achievements:

Project Link: ProActRail on GitHub

Smart Homes and Machine Learning Integration

Overview: Developed a smart home system utilizing machine learning to enhance energy efficiency and automate home management. This project involved designing, implementing, and integrating a smart home system with a focus on reducing energy consumption through automated control of home appliances based on user behavior and environmental data.


Technologies Used:

Key Achievements:
