
Ammar Elmoghazy, an Electronics Engineering graduate, currently a Masters student at Ontario Tech University. My aim here is to share things that I have worked on, working on, and will work on, hopefully it would help someone out there. My Research interests - IoT 💻, AI 🤯, Electronics Engineering ⚡️ . Non-research interest - Health 🏥, Philosophy 💭, Psychology 🧠.

BEng Courses

Achieved a First class in a degree focused on Control Systems Analysis, Engineering Mathematics, Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic, Analogue Analysis and Design, Advanced Electronics Systems, Real-time Embedded Systems, Control Systems Design, and Digital Signal Processing. Personal areas of growth:

  1. Developed knowledge in C/C++ programming language, and applied this knowledge in different projects for example, a line follower robot, and a conveyor belt project.

  2. My final year project was on smart homes and machine learning, where I built a system that collects and stores different types of data for example the house electric appliances power measurements, network presence information. Then uses a machine learning trained model to optimize the total energy usage of the house. Technical skills like Python, Linux, bash scripting, and machine learning were developed and applied in the project.

  3. The main aim of the project is to ensure that user data stays private and secure during the whole process of collection, storing, and training the machine learning model, so opensource software was utilized to be able to meet this requirement like OpenHab, InfluxDB, Grafana, and MQTT protocol.
