
Ammar Elmoghazy, an Electronics Engineering graduate, currently a Masters student at Ontario Tech University. My aim here is to share things that I have worked on, working on, and will work on, hopefully it would help someone out there. My Research interests - IoT 💻, AI 🤯, Electronics Engineering ⚡️ . Non-research interest - Health 🏥, Philosophy 💭, Psychology 🧠.

Ammar Elmoghazy


Masters Degree: 2022 - present

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courses and projects done

BENG Degree: 2018 - 2021

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courses and projects done

Work Experince

2021 - 2022 Project Coordinator at Applab Qatar

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Role Description

2019 - 2020 IBM UK, Technology placment year

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Role Description

Projects and publications

  1. F1tenth
  2. ProActRail - A predictive maintaince cloud solution - paper under review

  3. FIFA world cup 2022 sentiment analysis - upload code to github

  4. Pedestrian detection in hard weather conditions - paper under review

  5. Smart home system to analyze and optomise energy consumption